A-Z Comprehensive List of Important Legal Maxims
Legal Bites brings to you a list of important Legal Maxims, from A – Z, that will prove to be beneficial for all the law students and scholars. Do check it out! A-Z Comprehensive List of Important Legal Maxims A – Important Legal Maxims A Verbis Legis Non Est, Recedendum From the words of the law, there must be… Read More »

Legal Bites brings to you a list of important Legal Maxims, from A – Z, that will prove to be beneficial for all the law students and scholars. Do check it out! A-Z Comprehensive List of Important Legal Maxims A – Important Legal Maxims A Verbis Legis Non Est, Recedendum From the words of the law, there must be no departure. Ab Assuetis, Non Fit Injuria From things to which we are accustomed no legal wrong can arise. Abundans Cautela Non Nocet Extreme care does...
Legal Bites brings to you a list of important Legal Maxims, from A – Z, that will prove to be beneficial for all the law students and scholars. Do check it out!
A-Z Comprehensive List of Important Legal Maxims
A – Important Legal Maxims
A Verbis Legis Non Est, Recedendum | From the words of the law, there must be no departure. |
Ab Assuetis, Non Fit Injuria | From things to which we are accustomed no legal wrong can arise. |
Abundans Cautela Non Nocet | Extreme care does no mischief. |
Accessorium Sequitur Suum Principale | That which is accessory or incidental follows its principal, e.g., crops or fixtures go with the land they are on. |
Accusare Nemo Se Debet | No one is bound to accuse himself. |
Actio Personalis Moritur Cum Persona | A personal action dies with the person |
Actor Incumbit Onus Probandi | The burden of proof lies on the plaintiff. |
Actor Sequitur Forum Rei | A plaintiff follows the Court of the defendant. |
Actori Non Probante Reus Absolvitur | When the plaintiff does not prove his case, defendant is acquitted. |
Actus Curae Neminer Fact Injuriam | The act of the Court does wrong to no one. |
Actus Dei Ressisi Nocet | The act of God prejudices no one. |
Actus Me Invito Factus, Non Est Mensactus | An act done by me against my will is not my act. |
Actus -Non Facit Reum, Nisi Mens Sit Rea | An act does not make one guilty unless his mind is guilty. |
Adversus extraneous -vitiosa possessio prodessi solet | An imperfect possession is accustomed to prevailing as against outsiders claiming adversely. |
Aedificatum Solo, Solo Cedit | That which is built upon the land goes with the land. |
Acquitas Est Quasi Aequalitas | Equity is, as it were, equality. |
Aequitas Sequitur Legem | Equity follows laws. |
Aflectus Yunitur Licet Non Sequatur Effeetus | The intention is punished the consequences do not follow |
Affirmenti, Non Neganti, Incumbit Proratio | The burden of proof lies upon him who affirms, not upon him who denies. |
Agentes Et Consentien Tes Pari Paens Plectentur | Acting and consenting parties are liable to the same punishment. |
Alienatio Rei Praefertur Juri Accrescendi | Alienation is favour rather than accumulation. |
Alii Per Alium Non Acquiritur Obligatio | One man cannot incur liability through another. |
Allegans Contaria Non Est Audiendus | A person making contradictory allegations is not to be listened to. |
Ambigua Responsis Contra Proferentem Est Accipienda | An ambiguous answer is to be taken against him who makes it |
Ambiguum Verificatione facti tollitur | Latent ambiguity of words may be removed by parole evidence, for an ambiguity arising upon proof of extraneous fact may be removed in like manner. |
Ambiguitas Verborum Patens Nulls Verificatione excluditur | A patent ambiguity cannot be cleared up by extrinsic evidence [S. 93, Indian Evidence Act]. |
Animus Ad Se Omina Jusducit | Intention attracts all law to itself. |
Aqua Cedit Solo | Water passes with the soil. |
Argumentum a Simili Valet in Lege | An argument from a like case is good in law. The binding effect of a decision does not depend upon whether a particular argument was considered therein or not provided that the point with reference to which an argument was subsequently advanced was actually decided. |
Assignatus Utitur Jure Auctoris | The assignee gets only the right of the assignor. |
B – Important Legal Maxims
Bis Dat Qui Cito Dat | He gives double who gives promptly. |
C – Important Legal Maxims
Causa Proxima, Non Remota Specs Tatur | The immediate and not the remote cause is to be regarded. |
Cessante Causa, Cessat Effectus | The cause ceasing, the effect ceases. |
Cessante Ratione Leg-is Cessat Ipsa Lex | The reason of the law ceasing, the law itself ceases. |
Cestum Est Quod Certain Reddipotest | That is certain which can be rendered certain. |
Chiorgraphum Apud Debitorem Repertum Praesumitur | A deed found with the debtor is presumed to be paid. |
Clam Delinquentes Magis Puniuntur Quam Palam | Those sinning secretly are punished more severely than those sinning openly. |
Claussulae Inconsuetae Semper Inducunt Suspicionem | Unusual clauses always, excite suspicion. |
Commondum Ex Injuria Sua Memo Habera Debet | No person ought to have an advantage from his own wrong. |
Compendia Sunt Dispendia | Abbreviations are a loss of time. [Cf. The longest way round is the shortest way home]. |
Consuetudo Debet Esse Certa ; Nam Incerta, Pro Nullis Habentur | A custom should be certain, for uncertain things are held as nothing. |
Consensus, Non Concubitus, Facit Matrimonium | Consent, not cohabitation, constitute marriage. |
Consensus Tollit Ertorem | Consent removes mistake. |
Consuetudo Est Optimus Interpres Legum | Custom is the best interpreter of laws. |
Contemporanea Exposito Est Optima et Fortissima in lege | A contemporaneous interpretation is the best and strongest in law. |
Contra Non Valentem Agere Nulla Currit Praescriptio | Time does not run against a person under disability. |
Contractus Ex Turpi Causa Vel Contra Bones Mores Nullus | A contract arising from a base consideration, or against morality, is null. |
Conventio Vincit Legem | An agreement prevails against any implication Of law. |
Cuilibet in Arte Sua Perito Est Credendum | Every one who if skilled in his own act is to be believed. |
Cuilibet licet juri pro se introduce to renuntiare | One may waive a legal right existing in his favour. |
Cujus Est Commodum Ejus Debet Esse Incommodum | He who has the advantage should also have the disadvantage. |
Cujus Est Dare Ejus Est Disponere | Whose it is to give, his it is to regulate the manner of the gift. |
Cujus Est Divisio Alterius Est Electio | When one party has the division, the other has the choice. |
Cujus Est Instituere Ejus Est Abrogare | He that legislates may also abrogate. |
Cuilibet Licet Juri Pro Se Introdue to Renuntiare | One may waive a legal right existing in his favour. |
Culpa Lala Dolo Aequiparatur | Gross negligence is equivalent to intentional wrong. |
Culpae Paena Par Esto | Let the punishment be in proportion to the crime. |
Cum Confitante Sponte Mitius Est Agendum | One confessing willingly should be dealt with more leniently. |
D – Important Legal Maxim
De Minimis Non Curat Lex | The law takes no account of trifles |
Debita Sequntur Personam Debitoris | Debts follow the person of the debtor. |
Debitor Non Presumitr Donare | A debtor is not presumed to give. |
Delegatus Non Potest Delegare | A delegate has no power to delegate. |
Dies Inceptus Pro Completo Habetur | A day begun is held as complete. |
Dolus Auctoris Non Nocet Successori | The fraud of predecessor prejudice, not his successor. |
Dolus Versatur in generalibus | He who wishes to deceive uses general or ambiguous terms. |
Domus Sun Euique Est Tutissimum Refugium | To everyone, hi, is the safest refuge. [Cf. Every man’s house is his own castle]. |
Donatio Non Praesumitur | A gift is not presumed. |
Donatio Perticitur Possessione Accipientis | A gift is perfected by the possession of the receiver. |
Dormiunt Aliquando Leges, Nunquam Moriuntur | The laws sometimes never (lie). |
Duo Non Possunt in Solidu Unam Rem Possidere | Two cannot possess the whole of one thing in its entirety. |
E – Important Legal Maxims
Ejus Est Periculum Cujus Est Dominium Ant Commodum | He who has the dominion or advantage has the risk. |
Ejus Nul a Culpa Est Cui Parer Necesse Sit | He is not in any fault who is bound to obey. |
Ex Antecidentibus Et Consequentibus Fit Optma Interpretatio | The best interpretation is made from the context. |
Executio Juris Non Habet Injuriam | The execution of the process of law does no injury. |
Executor De Son Tort | One who takes upon himself the office of an executor by the intrusion, not being so constituted by the testator. |
Ex Diuturnitate Temporis Onmia Praesummuntur Rite Esse Acta | After a lapse of time everything is presumed to have been properly done. |
Ex Dolo Malo Non Oritur Actio | No right of action can arise cut of a fraud. |
Ex Nudo Pacto Non Oritur Actio | From a nude, contract, no right of action arises. |
Ex Turpi Causa Non Oritur Actio | From an immoral cause no arise”. |
Exceptio Probat Regulam De Rebus Non Exceptis | An exception proves the rule concerning things not excepted. |
Exempla Illustrant Non Restringunt Legem | Examples illustrate but do restrain the law. |
Expedit, Rei Publicae Ne Sua Reuqis Male Utetur | It is for the public good that no one uses his property badly. |
Expedit Rei Publicae Ut Sit Finis Litium | It is for the public good that there should be an end to litigation. |
Experientia Docet | Experience teaches. |
Expressio Unius Est Exclusio Alterius | The mention of one is the exclusion of another. |
Expressum Facit Cessare Taciturn | What is expressed makes what is silent cease. |
Extra Legum Position Est Civiliter Moriuus | He who is placed out of the law is civilly dead. |
Ex Turpis Causa Non Oritur Actio | “The court will not recognise a claim or cause of action based on turpitude”. The plaintiff can challenge order of allotment, if he was in lawful possession c; accommodation as tenant on relevant date, otherwise he has no right of suit. [Ramji Lal v. Balwant Singh, 1967 ALJ 410]. |
F – Important Legal Maxims
Facta Sunt Potentiora Verbia | Deeds are more powerful than words. |
Faotum a Judice Quod Ad Ejus Officium Non Spectat, Non Ratum Esi | An action of a Judge which relates not to his office is of no case. |
Fait Justitia Ruat Caelum | Let right be done, though heavens should fall. |
Falsa Demonstratio Non Nocet | A false description does not vitiate (a document). |
Falsa Orthographia, Sive Falsa Grammatica, Non Vitiat Concessionem | Bad spelling or bad grammar does not vitiate a grant. |
Falsus in Uno, Falsus Omnibus | False in one thing false in all. |
Fatetur Facinus Qui Judicium Fugit | He who flies judgment confesses his guilt. |
Fictio Leges Inique Opertur Alien Idamnum Vel Injuriam | A legal fiction does not properly work loss or injury. |
Fieri Non Debuit, Sed Factum Valet | It ought not to have done, but when done it is binding. |
Fractionem Diei Non Receipit Lex | The law does not take notice of a portion of a day. |
Fraus Est Celare Fraudem | It is fraud to conceal fraud. |
Fraus Laten in Generalibus | Fraud lies hid in general expressions. |
Furiosis Nulla Voluntas Est | A mad man has no will, i.e., he is not criminally responsible. |
Fortum Non Est Ubi Initium Habet Detentionis Per Dominum Rei | There is no theft where the origin of the possession was with the consent of the owner. |
G – Important Legal Maxims
Generalia Specialibus Non Derogant | General words do not derogate from special. |
Generalia Verba Sunt Generaliter Intelligenda | General words are to be understood in a general sense. |
Grammaiica Falsa Non Vitiat Chartum | False grammar does not vitiate a deed. |
I – Important Legal Maxims
Id Certum Est Quod Certum Reddi Potest | That is certain which can be reduced to a certainty. |
Idem Est Non Esse Et Non Apparere | Not to be and not to appear are the same. In the law of evidence where a person on whom the onus of proving an affirmative fails in such proof, the contrary is presumed, though there be no evidence in support of that presumption. |
Ignorantia Facti Excusat, Ignorantia Juris Non Excusat | Ignorance of the fact excuses; ignorance of the law excuses not. |
Ignorantia Legis neminem Excusat (Ignorantia Legis haud excusat ; ignorantia Legis Non Excusat) | Ignorance of law is no excuse. |
In Aequali Jure Melior Est Coeditio Possidentis | Where the rights are equal, the condition of the possessor is best. |
In Alternativis Electio Estdebitoris | In alternative, the debtor has the election. |
Inclusio Unius Est Exclusio Alterius | The inclusion of one is the exclusion of another. |
In Cemmobum Non Solvit Argumentum | Inconvenience does not destroy an argument, e. 5., it is no answer to an action for the removal of a nuisance that it would be more inconvenient for defendant to remove it than to pay damages for the injury it may cause. In will cases it is sometimes otherwise. [Rawson]. |
In Consimili Casu, Consimili Debet Essse Remedium | In similar cases the remedy should be similar. |
In Dubio Haec Legis Constructio Quam Uerba Ostendunt | In a doubtful case, the construction which the words point out is the construction given by law. |
In Factione Juris Semper Atquitas Existit | In legal fictions, there is always inherent equity. |
Iniquum Est Aliquem Rei Suae Esse Judiciem ; In Propria Causa Nemo Juder Est | It is unjust for anyone to be a judge in his own case. No one should be a judge in his own cause. |
Injuria Non Excusat Injurium | One wrong does not justify another. |
Injuria Non Praesumitur | Injury is not presumed. |
In Maleficiis Voluntas. Non Exitus-Spectatur | In criminal acts the intention is to be regarded, not the result. |
In Pari Delicto Potior Est Conditio Possidentis | Where both parties are equally in the wrong, the possessor or the defendant has the better position. [For applicability see Raja Ram v. Daulat Ram, AIR 1980 All 161]. |
In Societatis Contractibus Fides Exuberet | The strictest good faith must be observed in partnership transactions. |
Intentio Imponit Nomen Operi | The intention gives the name to the act. |
Interpretatio Talis Facienda Est Ut Res Magis Valeat Quam Pereat | Such an interpretation is to be adopted that the thing may rather stand than fall. |
Interest Reipublicae Ut Sit Finis Litiuum | It is in the interest of the State that there should be an end of law-suit. |
Invito Beneficium Non Datur | A benefit cannot be conferred on one who is unwilling to receive it. |
Ita Utere Tuo Ut Alienum Non Leadas | Use your own property so as not to injure your neighbour. |
J – Important Legal Maxims
Judex Non Potest Esse Testis In Propria Crusa | In his own cause. |
Judices Non Tenentur Exprimere Causam Sententiae Suae | Judges are not bound to explain the reason of their sentence. |
Judicia Posteriora Sunt in Lege Fortiora | The later decisions are stronger in law. |
Judicia Est Judicare Secundum Allegata Et Probata | It is the duty of a Judge to decide according to facts alleged and proved. |
Judicis Est Jus Dicere Non Dare | It is for the Judge to administer, not to make laws. |
Jura Non-Remota Causa Sed Proxima Spectatur | In law, the immediate or proximate not the remote cause of any event is regarded. |
Juratores Sunt indices Facti | Jurors are only judges of fact. |
Juri Sanguinis Nunquam Praescribitur | Relationship is not a matter of prescription. |
Juri Ex Injuria Non Oritur | A right cannot arise out of wrong-doing. |
Jus Publicum Privatorum Pactis Mutari Non Potest | A public right cannot be altered by the agreement of private persons. |
L – Important Legal Maxims
Lata Culpa Dolo Aequiparatur | Gross negligence is tantamount to fraud. |
Leges Posteriores Priores Contrarias Abrogant | Later laws abrogate prior contrary laws. |
Legis Interpretatio Legis Vim Obtinet | The interpretation of law obtains the force of law. |
Lex Citius Tolerare Vult Privatum Damnum Quam Publicum Malum | The law will more readily tolerate a private less than a public evil. |
Lex Dilationes Exhorret | The law always abhors delays. |
Lex Nil Facit Frustra ; Nil Jubet Frustra | The law does nothing in vain. |
Lex Non Cogita Impossibilia | The law forces not to impossibilities. |
Lex Non Curat De Minimis | The law cares not about trifles. |
Lex Respicit Aequitatem | The law pays regard to equity. |
Lex Spectat Naturae Ordinem | The law has regard to the order and course of nature. |
Locus Regit Actum | The place governs the act. |
M – Important Legal Maxims
Mala Grammatica Non Vitiat Chartum | Bad grammar does not vitiate an instrument, |
Malitia Supplet Aetatum | Malice supplies want of age. |
MELIOR Est Conditio Defendentis, or Possidentis | The party in possession is in a better condition, i. e., where rights are equal. |
Melius Est Petere Fontes Quam Sectari Rivulos | It is better to go to the fountain-head than to follow streamlets from it. |
Minatur Innocentibus Qui Parcit Nocentibus | He threatens the innocent who spares the guilty. |
Misera Est Servitus Ubi Jus Est Vagum Aut Incognitum | Wretched is the slavery where the law is changeable or uncertain. |
Mobilia Sequuntur Personam | Movables follow the person. |
Modus Et Conventio Vincunt Legem | Custom and agreement overrule law. |
N – Important Legal Maxims
Natura Appetit Pepfectum; Ita Et Lex | Nature desires perfection; so also the law. |
Naturae Non Facit Saltum; Ita Nee Lex | Nature takes no leap, so neither does law. |
Necessitas Est Lex Temporis Et Loci | Necessity is the law of time and place. |
Necessitas Facit Licitum Quod Alias Non Est Licitum | Necessity makes that lawful which otherwise is not lawful. |
Necessitas Inducit Priviligum Quod Jura Privata | Necessity gives a privilege with reference to private rights. |
Necessitas Non Habet Legem | Necessity has no law. |
Necessitas Publica Major Est Quam Privata | Public necessity is greater than private. |
Necessitas Quod Cogit Deffendit | Necessity defends what it compels. |
Necessitas Sub Lege Non Continetur Quia Quia Quod Alias Non Est Lictum Necessitas Facit Lictum | Necessity is not restrained by law; since what otherwise is not lawful necessity makes lawful. |
Necessitas Vincit Legen Legum Vincula Irridet | Necessity overcomes law, it derives the fetters of laws. |
Negatio Duplex Est Affirmatio | A double negative is affirmative. |
Negligentia Sempeg Habet Infortunium Comitem | Negligence has always misfortune for a companion. |
Nemo Agit in Seipsum | No one impleads himself. |
Nemo Allegans Turpitudinem Suam Audiendus Est | No one bearing testimony to his own baseness ought to be heard. [Raja Ram v. Daulat Ram, AIR 1980 All 161]. |
Nemo Contra Factum Suum Venire Potest | No one can go against his own deed. |
Nemo Dat Quod Non Habet | No one can give that he has not, i.e., a better right one has cannot be passed. |
Nemo Debet Bis Punire Pro Uno Delicto | No one ought to be punished twice for the same offence. |
Nemo Debet Esse Judex in Propria Causa | No one can be a judge in his own cause. |
Nemo Debet Locupietari Aliena Jactura | No one ought to be enriched by another’s disaster. |
nemo De domo Sue Extrahi Potest | No one can be dragged out of his own house. In other words, every mans house in his own castle. |
Nemo Ejusdem Tenementi Simul Potest Esse Haeres Et Dominust | No one can at the same time be the heir and owner of the same tenement. |
Nemo Est Alterius Facto Prae Gravari Debet | No one ought to be burdened by the act of another. |
Nemo Est Heares Viventis | No one is the heir of a living man. |
Nemo Ex Dolo Suo Proprio Relevetur Aut Auxilium Capiat | Let no one be relieved or gain, an advantage by his own fraud. |
Nemo Ex Proprio Dolo Consequitur Actionem | No one maintains an action arising out of his own wrong. |
Nemo Ex Suo Delicto Meliorem Swim Conditionem Facere Potest | No one makes his condition better by his own misdeed. |
Nemo in Propria Causa Judex, Esse debet | No one ought to be a judge in his own cause. |
Memo Potest Esse Simul Actor Et Judex | No one can be at once suitor and judge. |
Nemo Potest Esse Tenes Et Dominus | No one can be tenant and lord. |
Nemo Potest Facere Per Alium, Quad Per Se Non Potest | No one can do through another what lit, cannot do through himself. |
Nemo Potest Plus Ad Juris, Alium, Transferre Quam Ipse Habet | No one can transfer a greater right to another than lie himself has |
Nemo Praesumiture Ludere in Ex Tremis | No one is presumed to trifle at the point of death. |
Nemo Praesumitur Malus | No One is presumed to be bad. |
Nemo Punitur Pro Aleno Delicto | No one is punished for another’s rung. |
Nemo Sibi Esse Judex Vel Suis Jus Dicere Debet | No one ought to his own judge or the tribunal in his own affairs. |
Nemo Tenetur Ad Inpossibilia | No one is bound to an impossibility. |
Nemo Tenetur Divinare | No one is bound to foretell. |
Memo Tenetur Jura Re in Suam Turpitudinem | No one is bound to testify to his own baseness. |
Nemo Tenetur Seipsum Accusare | No one is hound to accuse or criminate himself. |
Nemo Unquam Judict In Se | No one should be a judge in his own cause. |
Nihil Aliud Potest R x Quam Quod De Jure Potest | The king can do nothing except what he can by law do. |
Nihil Facit Error, Nominis Com Do Corpore Constat | An error as to name is nothing when there is certainty as to the person. |
Nihil Habet Forum Ex Scena | The court has nothing to do with what is not before it. |
Nihil Quod Est Contra Rationem Est Licitum | Nothing is permitted which is contrary to reason. |
Noilioiores Et Benigniores Praesumptions le Dubiis Sunt Praeferndae | In case of doubt, the more generous and more benign presumptions are to be preferred. |
Non Est Regula Quin Fallat | There is no rule without an exception. |
Non Facias Malum Ut Inde Veniat Bonum | You are not to do evil that thence good may arise. |
Non In Legendo Sed In Intellingendo Leges Consistimt | The law consists not in being read but in being understood. |
Non Obstante | Not being in way, notwithstanding with, or regardless of. |
Non Possetsori Incumbit Necessitas Probandi Possessiones Ad Se Pertinere | A person in possession is not bound to prove that the possession belongs to him. |
Noscitur Ex Socio Qui Non Cognoscitur Ex Se | He who cannot be known from himself may be known from his associates. |
Nova Constitutio Futuris Formam Imponere Debet, Non Praeteritis | A new law ought to be prospective, not retrospective in its operation. |
Novatio Non Praesumitur | Novation is not presumed. |
Noxa Sequitur Caput | Guilt follows the person. |
Nullum Tempus Oceurrit ,Regi | No time can prejudice the king. |
Nullus Videtur Dalo Facere Qui Suo Jure Utitur | No one is considered to act with guile who uses his own right. |
Nunquam Crescit Ex Post Facto Praeterti Delicit Aestimatio | The estimation of a past offence is never increased by an after-fact. |
Nuptias Non Coneubitus Sed Consensus Facie | Not cohabitation, but consent makes the marriage. |
O – Important Legal Maxims
Obedientia Est Legis Essentia | Obedience is the essence of law. |
Obtemperandum Est Consuetudini Rationabili Tanquam Legi | A reasonable custom is to be obeyed as a law. |
Occalsatio Thesatio Inventi Fraud Ulesa | The concealment of a discovered treasure is fradulent. |
Oderunt Peccare Boni Virtutis Amore ; Oderunt Peccare Mali Formidine Paenae | Good men hate sin through love of virtle ; bad men through fear of punishment. |
Odiosa Et Inhonesta Non Sunt In Lege Praetumenda | Odious and dishonest things are not to be presumed in law. |
Officio Magistratus Non Debent Esse Venalia | The office of magistrate ought not to be sold. |
Officium Nemini Debet Esse Damno Sum | An office ought to be injurious to no one. |
Omissio Corum Quae Tacite Insunt Ninil Operatur | The omission of those things which are silently understood is of no consequence. |
Omne Crimen Ebrietas Et Incendit Et Detegit | Drunkenness both kindles and uncovers every crime. |
Omne Jus Ant Consensus Facit Ant Necessitas Constituit, Aut Farmavit Consuetudo | Every right is either made by consent or is constituted by necessity or is established by custom. |
Omne Licentiam Habent His, Quae Pro Se Introducta Sunt. Renuncaire | Everyone has a right to renounce those things which have been granted for his own benefit. |
Omne Quod Solo Inaedificatur Solo Cedit | Everything which is built upon the soil belongs to the soil. |
Omne Sorores Sunt Quasi Unus Haeres De Una Haereditate | All sisters are, as it were, one heir to one inheritance. |
Omne Testamentum Morte Consummatum W | Every will is completed by death. |
Oninia Consensus Tollit Errorem | Every assent removes error. |
Omnia Delicta in Aperto Leviora Sunt | All crimes done openly are lighter. |
Ominia Nova Constitutio Futuris Temporibus Formam Imponeri Debet, Non Prateritie | Every new enactment should effect the future, not past time. |
Omnia Praesumuntur Contra Spoliatorem | All things are presumed against a wrong-doer. |
Ominia Praesumuntur Rite Legitime Solemniter Esse Aeta, Dunce Probetur In Contrarium | All thing are presumed to have been done correctly lawfully and with due formality until the contrary is proved. |
Omnia Praesumuntur Rite Et Solemniter Esse Acta Donec Probatur In Contrarium | All things are presumed to have been rightly and duty performed until it is proved to the contrary. |
Omnia Quae Jure Contrahuntur Contrario Jure Pereunt | All things which are contracted by law perish by a contrary law. |
Omnia Rite Acta Preasumuntur | All things presumed to have been rightly done. |
Optima Est Legis Interpres Consuetudo | Custom is the best interpreter of the law. |
Optimus Est Lex Quae Midimum Relinquit Arbitrio Judicis ; Optimus Judex Qui Minimum Sibi | That system of law is best which confides as little as possible to the discretion of a Judge; that Judge is the best who relies as little as possible on his own opinion. |
Optimus Interpres Rerum Usus | Custom is the best interpreter of things. Optimus Legum Interpres Consuetude. |
Optimus Statuti Interpretatrix Est (omnimus part calis ejusdem inspectis) Ipsum Statutum | The best interpreter of a statute is (all the separate parts being considered) the statute itself. |
P – Important Legal Maxims
Pacts Privata Juris Publico Derogare Non Possum | Private compacts cannot derogate from public right. |
Pans Et Celeris Justitia Flat Partibus | Let full and speedy justice be done to the parties. |
Paribus Sententiis Reus Absolvitur | Where opinions are equal the defendant is acquitted. |
Par In Parem Imperimum Non Habet | An equal has no power over an equal. |
Pater Est Quem Nuptiae Remonstrant | He is the father whom the nuptials indicate. |
Peccata Contra Naturam Sunt Gravissima | Crimes against nature are the most heinous. |
Pendente Lite Nihil Innovetur | During the pendency of litigation, no change in the position can be made. |
Persona Conjuncts Aequtiparatur Inter Esse Proprio | The interest of a man’s kindred is equivalent to his own. |
Per Varios Actus Legem Experienta Facit | By various acts experience framed the law. |
Pin Exempla Quam Peccata Nocent | Examples hurt more than crimes. |
Plus Peccata Auctor Quam Actor | The causer offends more than the performer. |
Poena, Ex Delicto Defuncti, Haeres Teneri Non Debet | The heir ought not to be bound in a penalty for the crime of the deceased. |
Poena Potius Molliendae Quam Exasperandae | Punishments should be softened but not aggravated. |
Poenae Non Potest, Culpa Perennis Erit | Punishment cannot be, crime will be, lasting. |
Posteriors Derogant Prioribus | Things subsequent supersede things prior caution is better than cure. |
Prior Tempore Potier Jure | He who is first in time is preferred in law. |
Privatio Praesupposit Habitum | A deprivation presupposes a possession. |
Privatum Commodum Publico Cedit | Private good yields to public. |
Privilegium Non Valet Contra Rem Publicsm | A privilege avails not against public good. |
Probatis Extrimis, Praesumuntur Media | The extremes being proved, the mean is presumed. |
Procuratianem Adversus Nulls Est Praescriptio | There is no prescription against procuration. |
Prodent Agit Qui Praecepto Legis Obtemperat | He acts prudently who obeys the command of laws. |
Q – Important Legal Maxims
Quae In Curia Regis Acta Sunt Rite Agi Praesumuntur | What has been done by the Court is presumed to be rightly done. |
Quaelibet Concessio Fortissime Contra Donatorem Interprotanda Est | Every craft is to be construed most strongly against the grantor. |
Quando Lea Aliquid Alieni Concedit Concedere Non Potest | When the law gives someone anything, it gives him also that without which the thing cannot exist. |
Qui Approbat Non Reprobat | He who accepts cannot reject. |
Qui Facit Per Aliem, Facit Per Se | He who does a thing through another does it himself. |
Qui In Utero Est Projam Nato Habetur, Quoties De Ejus Commodo Queritur | He who is in the womb is held as already born, whenever a question arises for his benefit. |
Qui Non Improbat Approbat | He who does not blame approves. |
Qui Parcit Nocentibus, Innocentes Punit | He who spares the guilty, punishes the innocent. |
Qui Prior Est Tempore Potior Est Jure | He who is first ill is better in law. |
Qui Sentit Commodum, Sentire Debet Et Onus | He who receives the advantage must also suffer the burden. |
Qui Tacet, Consentire Videtur | He who is silent, is understood to consent. |
Quic Quid Plantatur Solo, Solo Cedit | Whatever is affixed to the soil, passes with a grant of soil. |
Qui Legatur Eo Dissolvitur | An obligation must be dissolved by the same mode as it was contracted. |
Quod Semel Placuit in Electionibus, Amplius Displicere Non Potest | When election is once made, it cannot be revoked. |
Quod Turpi Ex Causa Promissum Est, Non Valet | A promise founded on an illegal consideration is not binding. |
R – Important Legal Maxims
Ratihabitio Mandato Aequiparatur | Ratification is tantamount to direction. |
Ratihabitio, Mandato Compratur | Ratification is tentamount to command. |
Ratio Est Formalis Causa Consuet Dinis | Reason is the formal cause of custom. |
Ratio Legis Est Animalegis | The reason of law is the soul of law. |
Ratio Potest Allegari Deficiente Lege, Sed Ratio Et Legalis Et Non Apparens | Reason may be alleged when law is defective, but it must be true and legal reason, and not merely apparent. |
Regularitur Non Valet Pacts De Re Meanon Alienanda | It is a rule that a impact not to alienate my property is not binding. |
Rei Atio Est Fictio Juris Et Intenta Ad Unum | Relation is a fiction of la an; is intent to one point. |
Remoto Impedimento Emergit Actio | An impediment being removed, an action emerges. |
Republicae Interest, Voluntates Defunctornm Effectum Sortiri | It concerns the State that the wills of the dead should have their effect. |
Res Accessoria Sequitur Rem Principalem | The accessory follows the principal. |
Res Denominatur A Principali Parte | The thing is named from its principal part. |
Res Est Misera Ubi Jus Est Vag Um Et Incertum | It is a miserable state of things when law is vague and uncertain. |
Resignatio Est Juris Proprii Spontanae Refutatio | Resignation is a spontaneous relinquishment of one’s own right. |
Res Inter Alios Acta Alteri Nocere Non Debet | A transaction between strangers ought not to injure a party. |
Res Ipsa Loquitur | The thing speaks for itself. |
Res Judicata Pro Veritate habetur | An adjudicated matter shall be deemed correct. |
Resolutio Jure Concendentis Resolvitur Jus Concessum | The grant of any right comes to an end on the termination of the right of the grantor. |
Respondeat Superior | Let the principal be held responsible. |
Rex Est Legalis Et Politicos | The king is both a legal and a political person. |
Rex Est Lex Vivens | The king is the living law. |
Rex Non Potest Peccare | The king can do no wrong. |
Rex Nunquam Moritur | The king never dies. |
S – Important Legal Maxims
Salus Populi Suprema Lex | The safety of the people is the supreme law. |
Salus Ubi Multi Consiliarii | Where there are more counsellors, there is safety. |
Secundum Allegata Et Probata | Principle of variance between pleading and proof not to be applied when the other party is net taken by surprise. [Kripa Ram v. Harnam Singh, (1968) 70 Punj T R 8091]. |
Semper In Dubiis Be Nlgiora Praeferenda | In doubtful matters, the more liberal construction is to be preferred. |
Semper in Obscuris, Quod Minimum Est Sequimur | In obscure constructions we always apply that which is least obscure. |
Semper Praesumitur Pro Matrimonio | The presumption is always in favour of the validity of the marriage. |
Semper Specialia Generalibtts Insunt | Generalities include specialities. |
Sensus Verborum Est Anima Legis | The meaning of the word is the spirit of the law. |
Sequi Debet Potentia Justitiam, Non Praecedere | Power should follow justice, not precede it. |
Sic Uteri Tuo Ut Alienum Non Leadas | So you use your own rights that you do not hurt the right of another. |
Silent Leges Inter Armae | Laws are silent amidst arms. |
Socii Mei Socius, Meus Socious Non Est | The partner of my partner is not my partner. |
Solo Cedit, Quicquid Solo Plantatur | What is planted in the soil belongs to the soil. |
Sploiatus Debet, Ante Omnia Restitui | A person who has been despoiled ought to be restored to his former state before anything else. |
Statuta Pro Publico Commodo Late Interpretantur | Statutes made for the public good ought to be liberally construed. |
Statutum Affirmativum Non Derogat Communi Legi | An affirmative statute does not derogate from the common law. |
Statutum Speciale Statuto Speciale Non Derogat | One special statute does not take from another special statute. |
Sublato Causa Tollitur Effectus | The cause being removed, the effect ceases. |
Sublato Fundamento Cedit Opus | The foundation being removed, the superstructure falls. |
Sublato Principali Toflitur Adjunctum | The principal being taken away, its adjunct is also taken away. |
Subsequens Matrimonium Tollit Peccatum Praecedens | A subsequent marriage removes a previous criminality. |
Summa Ratio (Lex) Est, Quae Pro Religione Facit | The highest law is that which supports religion. |
Summum Jus, Summum Injuria Summum Lex, Summa Crux | Extreme law is extreme injury. Strict law is strict punishment. |
Superflua Non Nocent | Superfluities hurt not. |
T – Important Legal Maxims
Terra Maneus Vacua Occupanti Conseditur | Land lying unoccupied is given to the first occupant. |
Testamenta Cum Duo Inter Se Pugnantia. Reperiuntur Ultimum Ratum Est ; Sic Fist Cum Duo Inter Se Pugnantia Reperiuntur In Codem Testamento | When two conflicting wills are found the last prevails; so it is when two conflicting clauses occur in the same will. |
Testamenta Latissimam Interpretation em Habere Debent | Will ought to have the broadest interpretation. |
Testamentum Omne Morte Consummatur | Every will is perfected by death. |
Testatoris Ultima Voluntas Est Rerimplenda Secundum Veram Intentionem Suam | The last will of a testator is to be thoroughly fulfilled according to his real intention. |
Testes Lupanaris Sufficit Ad Factum In Lupanari | A lewd person is a sufficient witness to an act committed in a brothel. |
Testes Ponderantur, Non Numerantur | Witnesses are weighed, not numbered. |
Testibus Desponentibus, In Pari Numero Dignioribus Est Credendum | Where the number of witnesses is equal on both sides, the more worthy are to be believed. |
Testimonia Ponderanda Stint, Non Enumeranda | Evidence is to !x, weighed. not enumerated. |
Testis De Visu Praeponderat Aliis | An eye-witness is preferred to others. |
Testis Nemo In Sua Causa Casse Potest | No one can be a witness in his own cause. |
Testis Oculatus Unus Plus Valet Quam Auriti Decent | One eye-witness is worth more than ten ear-witnesses. |
Traditio Loqui Facit Chartam | Delivery makes a deed speak, i. e., comes into operation. |
Transit Terra Cum Onere | Land passes subject to any burden affecting it. |
Turpisest Pars Quae Non Convenit Cum Suo Toto | That part is bad, which accords not with its whole. |
Tuta Est Custodia Quae Sibimet Creditur | That guardianship is secure which is entrusted to itself alone. |
Tutius Erratur Ex Parte Mitiore | It k safer to err on tee gentler side. |
Tutius Semper Est Errare Acquietando Quam in Puniendo, Exparte Misericor Iliac Quam Ex Parte Justitiae | It is always safer to err in acquitting than in punishing on the side of mercy than of strict justice. |
U – Important Legal Maxims
Ubi Aliquid Conceditur Et, Id Sine Quo Res Ipsa Esse Non Potest | When anything is granted that also is granted without which it could not exist. |
Ubi Cessat Remedium Ordinariu Mibi Decurritur Ad Extra-Ordinarium Et Nunquam Decurretur Ad Extraordinarium Ubi Valet Ordinarium | Where the ordinary remedy fails recourse is made to the extraordinary remedy but recourse is never made to the extraordinary where the ordinary is sufficient. |
Ubi Damna Dantur Victus Victori In Expensis Condemnari Debet | Where damages are awarded, the unsuccessful party ought to be condemned in costs to the successful party. |
Ubi Eadem Ratio Ibi Eadem Lex, De Similibus Idem Est Judicium | Where the same reason exists, there the, same law prevails; and of things similar, the judgment is similar. |
Ubi Jus, Ibi Remedium | Where there is a right, there is a remedy. |
Ubi Lex Est Specialis, Et Ratio Ejus Generalis Generaliter Accipienda Est | Where the law is special and the reason of it is general, it ought to be taken as being general. |
Ubi Non Est Directa Lex, Standum Est Arbitrio Judicis, Vel Procedendum Ad Similia | Where there is no direct law, the opinion of the Judge is to be taken or references to be made to similar cases. |
Ubi Non Est Principalis Non Potest Esse Accessorius | Where there is no principal, there cannot be an accessory. |
Ubi Quid Generaliter Conceditur Inest Hoec Exceptio, Si Non Aliqud Sit Contra Jus Fasque | Where a thing is conceded generally this exception arises that there shall be nothing contrary to law and right. |
Una Persona Vix Potest Supplere Vices Duarum | One person can scarcely supply the places of two. |
Universalia Sunt Notoria Singularibus | Things universal are better known than things particular. |
Unumquodque Est In Quod Est Principalius In Ipso | That which is the principal part of a thing is the thing itself. |
Unumquodque Principiorum Est Sibiment Ipsi Fides ; Et Prespicum Vera non Sunt Probanda | Every principle is its own evidence and plain truths are not to be proved. |
Usucapio Constituta Est Ut Aliquis Litium Finis Esset | The object of title by possession (usucapia) is to put an end to litigation. |
Usues Est Dominium Fiduciarium | Use is a fiduciary dominion. |
Ut Poena Ad Paucos, Metus Ad Omnes Perveniat | So that punishment may fall on few, the fear of it on all. |
Ut res Magis Valeat Quam pereat | That it may rather become operative than null. To uphold the constitutionality of statutes whenever it can rationally be done. |
Utiie Per Inutile Non Vitiatur | The useful is not vitiated by the useless. |
Uxor Non Est Sui Juris, Sed Sub Potestate Viri, Cui in Vita Contradicere Non Potest | A wife has no power of her own but is under the government of her husband, whom in his lifetime she cannot contradict |
V – Important Legal Maxims
Verba Accipienda Sunt Secundum Subjectum Materiem | Words are to be understood with reference to the subject matter. |
Veritas Demonstrationis Tollit Errorem Nominis | The truth of the demonstration removes the error of the name. |
Via Trita Est Tutissima | The trodden path is the safest. |
Vicarius Non Habet Vicarium | A delegate cannot have a delegate. |
Vicini Viciniora Praesumuntur Scire | Persons living in the neighbourhood are presumed to know the neighbourhood. |
Vigilantibus Et Non Dormientibus Jura Subveniunt | Laws come to the assistance of vigilant, not of the sleepy. |
Vir Et Uxor Consentur In Lege Una Persona | Husband and wife are considered one person in law. |
Vis Legibus Est Inimica | Violence is inimical to the laws. |
Vix Ulla Fieri Potest Quae Omnibus Commoda Sit Sed Si Majori Parti Prospiciat Utilis Est | Scarcely any law can be made which is beneficial to all, but it is useful if it benefits the greater majority. |
Volenti Non Fit Injuria | Where the sufferer is willing there is no injury done. |
Voluntas Donatoris In Charta Doni Sui Manifeste Expressa Observetur | The will of the donor manifestly expressed in his deed of gift a to be observed. |
Voluntas Facit Quod In Testamento Scriptum Valeat | It is intention which gives effect to the wording of a will. |
Voluntas in Delictis Non Exitus Spectatur | In crimes, the will, and not the consequence, is looked to. |
Voluntas Reputatur Pro Facto | The intention is to be taken for the deed. |
Voluntas Testatoris Est Ambulatoria Usque Ad Ex’remum Vatae Exitum | The will of a testator is ambulatory (revocable) until the moment of life. |
Vox Emissa Volet, Litera Scripta Manet | The spoken word flies away; the written one remains. |
Law Library: Notes and Study Material for LLB, LLM, Judiciary and Entrance Exams

Mayank Shekhar
Mayank is an alumnus of the prestigious Faculty of Law, Delhi University. Under his leadership, Legal Bites has been researching and developing resources through blogging, educational resources, competitions, and seminars.